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4° Meeting delle società centenarie


RACES. The beginning of races is scheduled at 9.30 am with a endurance race of about 3,250 m in 4 Jole, followed later by 10.30 by "match race"competitions (one against one) on 500m in 4 gig. The program will end with the race of Club Presidents. To see the full program read below.

ENTRIES. The deadline for entries was set at 24.00 on Monday, 12 November 2007. Entries (complete with full name, sex and date of birth for each participant) can be made by e-mail to be sent at adria1877@email.it for foreign clubs. The registration fee of € 5,00 (five/00) for any rower including helmsmen, will be paid during the accreditation. Any checks should be payable to the Società Triestina Canottieri Adria 1877. Any changes and / or retreats should be communicated via e-mail or by fax, by 18.00 hours of Thursday 15 November 2007. Otherwise clubs will incur in the penalties provided in Italian Code of racing.

ACCREDITATION AND COUNCIL OF REGATTA. Accreditation will be made from 18:00 to 20:00 on Saturday, November 17, 2007 at the headquarters of Società Triestina Canottieri Adria 1877, Pontile Istria, 2 Trieste. The Council of Regatta could be met, if necessary, at the suggestion of President of the Jury.

BOATS. The organization will provide only boats for the "match race" 4 gig. All other boats will match the requirements referenced in the Italian Rules of racing.